
Some customers use their Fast Track integration to enable Unibo iGamification. Their  integration guide is available here (link) .

In the  🚀Integration guide  we describe what's needed to fully enable Unibo for your platform and/or website. Below is a list of how the four key deliverables are realised using the FastTrack iGaming solution for CRM.

Check Mark Button Real time events to be integrated

  • Casino Events or Gamerounds
  • Payment (deposits)
  • Player (account updates)
  • Game Updates (Unibo specific)

Check Mark Button Other functionality

  • Bonus Crediting
  •  Link to the documentation 
  • Credit Bonus
  • Credit Bonus Funds ( for jackpots )
  • Communication channels (Email, SMS, Notifications) integrated (Optional for Unibo)

Check Mark Button Overlay

In addition to this, the overlay needs to be enabled on the website as described in the  🎮Overlay docs .

Man and Woman Holding Hands Configuring Player Segments and Action Groups

In the Alliance section of the Fast Track Backoffice, create your various segments including the players you would like to include or exclude in your Unibo campaigns. Segments are synced upon Campaign Start and continuously every 15 minutes.

This is also where you set up your Action Groups that you want to use in Unibo. Action Groups can include rewards (Bonus, Cash, Free Spins, etc.) as well as Communications (emails, sms, onsite notifications, etc.). Once a player is entitled to win a prize from a Unibo Campaign, we will trigger the action group selected during the campaign creation.

Only segments from the Unibo Alliance Area in Fast Track will be available in your Unibo Back Office during campaign creation.

Game Die Configuring Game updates

Slot Machine Configuring Jackpot Payouts

Steps that needs to be done to enable it.

    In the Alliance area in the back-office, navigate to Dynamic Fields and pre-define all fields such as amount that will be sent by Unibo in the credit request
  • these fields will then be used in the Amount field of the Credit Bonus Funds action as #amount#
  • we only need to configure dynamic fields for data that should be replaced in the bonus creation
    Create an Action Group in the Alliance area and click the tickbox Create unique slug and name the slug to jackpot. This will be used for all jackpot crediting /slug/jackpot endpointAdd the Credit Bonus Funds action with the relevant jackpot bonus details. Make sure the Amount field will use #amount#
    Once everything is configured and activated, we should run an end-to-end test by having Unibo trying to send a request for a low jackpot amount for any test user to make sure everything is credited end-to-end 

Example of a Jackpot payout message
data: {
amount: 10.0,
campaign_name: 'Brand Jackpots Campaign',
currency: 'EUR',
jackpot_title: 'Daily Jackpot'