An Amount Jackpot is a jackpot that must pay out before reaching a certain amount.
The Jackpot can pay out at any amount between the Start on Value and the Max payout amount. The chance of winning the jackpot incrementally grows as the amount is getting closer to the Maximum amount.
- Title: Rapid Jackpot
- Starts at €10
- Can pay out anywhere between €10 and €500 - but will never go past €500
- The chance of winning is incrementally growing as the jackpot is getting closer to €500
- The players can clearly see in the Unibo Overlay that the Jackpot has to pay out before reaching €500.
- Once the jackpot is won by a player, it immediately restarts at €10
The jackpot campaign will remain active and visible to your players until any remaining active Amount jackpots have been paid out, or until the campaign is manually cancelled.
Once all remaining jackpots are paid out, the campaign will go from Active to Finished state.
If you want to cancel the campaign and void any active jackpots, simply select the Cancel Immediately option from within the campaign.