This is where you configure the fixed color options for your overlay. You can control the colors of the different text elements, icons, notifications, menus, and frames.
The settings are divided into three parts: Backgrounds, Text, and Buttons and Icons.
Each setting can be controlled using various options such as hex code, RGB/HSL settings, or a visual color scale.
Here's an image of the overlay settings page, and what Background elements of an actual overlay it controls, using the Mission Campaign as an example:
Furthermore, here's another image of the overlay settings page, and what Text elements of the overlay it controls, using the same Mission Campaign as an example:
Last but not least, this is where you configure the color options for your overlay-related buttons and icons, using the example of both a mission campaign and a tournament.
Please note that any changes made on the settings page are instantly reflected in your Overlay, including active campaigns.
Further customization is available through the campaign-specific images you choose for each campaign during campaign creation.
For each campaign, you will choose to upload:
- One Background Image
- One Campaign Image
This way, you can align the images shown in the overlay with the marketing material and images used on your site to promote the campaigns.
If desired, the images can be different per language.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to a Unibo representative.